You will prepare a six-part (1500-words minimum) biographical essay on a fictional character who turned 18 years old in 1910 and lived until 1950 or who turned 18 years old in 1960 and lived until 2010. (Instructors may choose or allow you to select anoth

Part I (200 words minimum): Utilizing your course readings and materials, introduce your character in two or three paragraphs. Provide historically- accurate and meaningful details regarding your characters name, date and place of birth, current place of residence, race, ethnicity, sex, gender, class, and other relevant personal detail and information. Each of these personal characteristics must be identified and explained. In addition, create an avatar (or some other artistic representation) of your character and explain why you chose the characteristics depicted.

Part II (500 words minimum): Analyze one of the major historic conflicts taking place in the time-period your character is living through (such as the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam War, Cold War, etc.) and is having a direct impact on the life of your character. Explain the historic antecedents or causes of such events. Be sure to identify the major historical figures and organizations that are associated with this event and the specific role(s) each played. Be sure to identify precise historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces that shaped the event or conflict you are describing. Last, explain how this historical event or conflict affected or, perhaps, divided, Americans living in this era.
These are the first two parts

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