writing help

As part of your ongoing research assignment you will maintain a notebook which combines your research findings with your reflections on what you are learning.
Required: a three-ring binder with pockets. Tabbed dividers.
Page 1: Cover page. Include your name the course number and your research question all centered.
Page 2: Initial reflection. Describe in some detail why you chose this particular research question. What do you already know about the general topic? Why are you personally interested in it? Does it affect you or someone close to you? Does it affect your chosen profession? If you had to answer your research question today how would you answer it? And what kind of information are you most excited about finding out? Length: at least one full page double-spaced with only your name as the header.
Subsequent pages: one page for every source you use.
This notebook is a way for you to keep track of what youre learning and enable you to put all the pieces together. I will check it on a regular basis throughout the semester.

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