write the solution for given problems

Hi again:), well this is the organizational behavior lecture’s assignment. And I uploaded the assignment given instruction! So, basically, this is a group work and as you can see the uploaded file, our group decided to go with ‘NETFLX LEADERSHIP’. What our group need to write for this task is

1. Company and case overview (300 words)

2. Leadership Criticism
    Problem 1 (400 words)
    Problem 2 (400 words)
    Problem 3 (400 words)

4. Suggestions for problem 1 (suggest 2 solution), (150~200 words)
    – why we suggest
    – Result that we expect

    Suggestions for problem 2 (suggest 2 solution), (150~200 words)     my part
    – why we suggest
    – Result that we expect

    Suggestions for problem 3 (suggest 2 solution), (150~200 words)
    – why we suggest
    – Result that we expect

This is the outline that how our group is going to do! and I’m in charge of suggestions for problem 2!! So, you don’t need to answer others, what do we need to write is only answer for the Suggestions for problem 2 part. So, basically you need to READ the problem2 which is

Problem 2:

-> Theories behind this problem (that we have learned)
-> Raise critical question: Is it really like that, blah blah
-> Show the evidence

Two big mistakes ending up as scandals for Netflix about their promotion. Netflix is usually extremely adept at advertising their products as interesting, exciting and binge-worthy. These two series were BABY and Cuties. Now I know a lot of my contemporaries in class have heard about these series and will probably be ready to judge at least the later one as a cult movie to support pedophiles. As for ourselves, we had also only heard negative slander and anger directed to Netflix in correlation to Cuties in specific. Shortly presented BABY is a series about a series based on a true story about a group of Roman kids in the age span of 14-15 years old. These youth sell themselves, prostituting to be able to buy nice designer clothes and other things they desire. A lot of people have criticized this as a series giving acceptance and not really showing the bad sides of human trafficking, while others claim this is not a series about human trafficking at all. What made this series pop up on the radar of NCOSE (National Center of Sexual Exploitation) is due to its suggestive and dark trailer, where the song Girls just wanna have fun plays in the background in a slowed down creepier version. For the movie Cuties its a bit different, this award winning movie is supposed to depict the difficulties for girls transcending into early womanhood who deal with the difficulties of society’s hyper-sexualized standards versus a conservative family and their wishes to keep their daughter innocent. The poster for Cuties when launched in the US had been swapped from the frolicking girls on a shopping spree to a picture of the girls in very thin and short clothing in questionable positions. So, looking at the four pillars of new inclusive leadership in the crisis we can break down a few of these mistakes. Firstly, the listening part. There is no secret that in the US there is a pronoun going as any PR is good PR. Though, in recent years this kind of strategy has been heavily pressured by society. The increased interaction between creator and consumer as well as the easy to be heard social platforms have allowed the everyday man to force ideas upon the creators of products. Netflix did oblige on this when it came to Kevin Spacey, firing him and refusing to finish their product starring him costing them 39 million dollars. Later this proved to have been a good decision as more then 30 allegations of sexual harassment were reported.
    According to some articles, Inclusive Leadership  is the ability to manage and lead a heterogeneous group of people with different beliefs, religion, cultures through seeking the appropriate approach to each member and respecting their uniqueness. Based on this theory we would like to consider the recent scandals stated above and represent our own solutions.
    The second pillar is Calmness, based on the Inclusive Leadership, a leader nowadays is a sort of man who will lead people through the fire and flames during a period of crisis. In other words, a leader must instill confidence in the future, motivate people to change themselves. Here we will write about some stuff related to calmness in Netflix
    The third pillar in this theory is  Decisiveness. Some examples of decision making in Netflix.
    Final, but not least important pillar is Human-centered. Here we will write about the practice of firing people just because they can lol and the gladiatorial environment in the company.

and answer for my part. So, the professor wants us to write 2 solutions like ‘why we suggest’ and ‘result that we expect’. please write about 150~200 words with two solutions.

If you have any question please let me know:)

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