
Relationship Between Human Creative Expression and Culture Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric
Prompt: Follow the directions in the Relationship Between Human Creative Expression and Culture Worksheet (linked in Module Seven of your course).
Guidelines for Submission: Submit your completed worksheet in Microsoft Word format.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Engagement Worksheet is complete Worksheet is incomplete Worksheet is blank 20
Part 1: Content Provides support for response by
explaining the reason for selection of
Provides response to support
selection of artifact, but the focus is
unclear or unrelated
Support for response is not provided 30
Part 2: Content Provides support for response by
discussing impact of artifacts on
larger American culture
Provides support for response, but
the focus is unclear or unrelated
Support for response is not provided 30
Communicates Clearly Clearly communicates key ideas and
Response needs clarification in order
to support understanding of key
ideas and thoughts
Key ideas or thoughts are not
Total 100%

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