What is Thomas Nagel’s account of sexual perversion? Provide two criticisms of Nagel’s account.

What is Thomas Nagel’s account of sexual perversion? Provide two criticisms of Nagel’s account.

To answer this question you must first explain Nagel’s account of sexual desire (250 words). This will require explaining his “Romeo and Juliet” example and its importance. Then you should explain how Nagel determines if something is a sexual perversion. Give examples of some sexual activities that are perversions, and some that are not perversions, according to the theory, and explain why in each case (250 words). Finally, ask yourself: Is this a successful account of sexual perversion? Then formulate your criticisms and consider how someone might respond to them, how they might attempt to challenge them, and defend Nagel’s view (up to 250 words). For example, does Nagel’s account include all the cases of perversion? Does it include any cases that should be excluded?

The suggested numbers of words are guidelines to show roughly how much space to give to each section. 750 is the maximum number of words, so if you write less, each section may be shorter.

You are discouraged from using secondary sources for this assignment, but you must provide references for all works consulted. Any referencing style is acceptable, and references will not contribute to your word count.

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