Question to answer:
In a car accident Bud Sixpack received a blunt trauma to the upper left abdomen that necessitated a splenectomy. Discuss the functions of the spleen and speculate about the possible implications of this surgery.
Questions to answer:
The name of a cancer is derived from the type of tissue in which it develops.
1. Of the four types of tissue which is Miss Rose concerned about?
2. What would be the scientific name of the cancer vis–vis the tissue type?
Several factors may trigger (cause) a normal cell to lose control and become cancerous.
3. What would be the trigger that Miss Rose is concerned about?
The American Cancer Society uses the word C-A-U-T-I-O-N to help recognize the seven early signs of cancer.
4. What are the seven signs?
Question for you to answer:
Compare and contrast emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Three Biology Questions- Sources. 1 paragraph Each.