The Struggles within Motherhood

My Input:
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the social construct of motherhood and how it oppresses women in families.

This paper argues that patriarchal structures reproduce the oppression of women through the ideology of motherhood.

The sub-issues would be; patriarchy and the separation of the private and public spheres, the unpaid labour (including emotional labour) of motherhood, and how women’s responsibility for motherhood is oppressive of women

I still need a proper thesis.

Use the following references ONLY:

Armstrong, P. (1976). Women and their work: The canadian experience

Gatrell, C. (2007). A fractional commitment? part-time work and the maternal body. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(3), 462-475.

Marks, L., Little, M., Gaucher, M., & Noddings, T. R. (2016). ‘A job that should be respected’: Contested visions of motherhood and english canada’s second wave women’s movements, 1970-1990. Women’s History Review, 25(5), 771-790.

Miller, Tina. (2005) Making Sense of Motherhood: A Narrative Approach. Cambridge UP.

Miller, T. (2007). “is this what motherhood is all about?”: Weaving experiences and discourse through transition to first-time motherhood. Gender & Society, 21(3), 337-358.

O’Reilly, A., Porter, M., & Short, P. (Eds.). (2005). Motherhood: Power and oppression. Canadian Scholars Press.

Tazi-Preve, M. (2019). Unveiling Patriarchal Motherhood. Canadian Woman Studies, 34(1), 163-173.


Important Guidelines:
1) Content: (15 points) adequately addressing the topic with an emphasis on Canadian families and critical analysis.  Do not summarize and/or describe your research sources, or simply describe a problem.  You must argue and support your thesis.  You must engage the sources and critically apply them to your argument (i.e., thesis).  Your analysis should address why and how this social problem/issue occurs.    Your paper should emphasize HOW this social phenomenon becomes normalized in our society.  In other words, you need to examine the social process by which this social phenomenon occurs and is legitimated in our society as normative
2) Clarity of Argument:  (5 points) focus, direction and logical organization and int  egration of ideas in a well structured argument.  Do you have a thesis statement?  Your paper should have an obvious, clear, concise, one sentence thesis.  Your thesis statement clearly states in one sentence the argument of your paper.
3) Structure and Organization:  (5 points) paper should include the following components:
  a. Introduction:  clearly stating your thesis/research argument and the specified points you will be arguing in the paper.
  b. Body of Paper:  where you develop your argument with support from your reference sources.
  c. Conclusion:  links your main ideas together.
4) Proper referencing style and grammar:  Both direct quotes and an authors ideas must be referenced in your paper.  Your paper should not have more than one or two (maximum) direct quotes.  The paper should primarily be written in your own voice with social science citations crediting the scholars to whom those ideas belong.  APA is the preferred referencing style.

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