spce 316

Student will complete a research proposal of 2-3 pages plus a title page and references page for implementing a single subject research design with 1 to 4 participants (number dependent on the type of design selected).

The proposal should contain the research paragraph summarizing the intervention that will be used in the study, what it consists of, and how it has been used in previous research. You should include at least two references from journal articles.

The rest of the proposal should have sections outlining the proposed participants, settings, research design, dependent variable, independent variable, how interobserver agreement, treatment fidelity, and social validity will be assessed.

Participants can earn 5 bonus points on the assignment if they  create a graph of fictitious data to show what data from the study would look like if carried out that matches APA style.
These references should be single subject research studies in journals. You can use more than 2 references and the other references can be any type of article or book. Some good journals to look at would be Behavior Analysis in Practice, Journal of Behavior Education, Education and Treatment in Autism and Developmental Disabilities)

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