After reading the required materials on social media found on the Background page for this module and your own library research, prepare a 4- to 5-page paper addressing the following:

Discuss the influence social media has (or could have) on HRM success.

What are the challenges of HRM professionals using social media to learn about current and potential employees?

The Wright article talks about how Facebook recruits. Bring in three other real-life, private sector employers (by name from your readings/research) and discuss their approaches to social media in the HRM context.
Use at least 5 sources from the Trident library.

Demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues and HRM actions, drawing on your background reading and research.

Information Literacy: Evaluate resources and select only library/Web-based resources that provide reliable, substantiated information.

Give authors credit for their work. Cite sources of borrowed information in the body of your text as footnotes or numbered end notes, or use APA style of referencing.

Prepare a paper that is professionally presented (including a cover page, a list of references, headings/subheadings, and a strong introduction and conclusion). Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling, and word-usage errors.
Social Media
Required Material

Davenport, T. H. (2012). Case study: Social media engages employees. FT.Com, Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

Facebook, Blogs & the Boss: The intersection of social media & the workplace. (2013). Retrieved from

Wild About Trial (2015). Legal Smart with Alison TriesslSocial Media & Employment. Retrieved from

Wilkie, D., & Wright, A. (2014). Balance risks of screening social media activity. HR Magazine, 59(5), 14. Retrieved from ProQuest in the Trident Online Library.

Wright, A. (2014). How Facebook recruits. Retrieved from

Optional Material

Segal, J. A. (2014). The law and social media in hiring. HR Magazine, 59(9), 70-72. Retrieved from ProQuest in the Trident Online Library.

Segal, J. A., & LeMay, J., (2014). Should employers use social media to screen job applicants? HR Magazine, 59(11), 20-21. Retrieved from ProQuest in the Trident Online Library

Skill Boosters (2015). Top 5Social media fails at work. Retrieved from

Swain, K. (2017). The impact of social media in the workplace pros and cons. Retrieved from

Walden, J. A. (2016). Integrating Social Media Into the Workplace: A Study of Shifting Technology Use Repertoires. Journal Of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 60(2), 347-363. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Wright, A. D. (2014). More states prohibit social media snooping. HR Magazine, 59(10), 14. Retrieved from ProQuest in the Trident Online Library.

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales
Required Material

Behaviorally Anchored Rating SystemsBARS. Retrieved from

Govekar, P. & Christopher, J. Assessing academic advising using behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS). Example. Retrieved from

Optional Material

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS). Example. Retrieved from

Simulation Training
Required Material

Abernathy, D., Allerton, H., Barron, T., & Salopek, J. (1999). Everyday simulation. Training & Development, 53(11), 37. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

AusBusiness Traveller (2011). Inside REAL Qantas 747 Flight Simulator HD. Retrieved from (for Discussion Forum) (2017). Why Job Simulation Works.

Optional Material

Catling, C., Hogan, R., Fox, D., Cummins, A., Kelly, M., & Sheehan, A. (2016). Simulation workshops with first year midwifery students. Nurse Education in Practice, 17, 109-115. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Lambert, C., and Lloyd-Jones, H. (2014). Run simulation in your workplace. Education for Primary Care. 25(6), 357-359. Retrieved from EBSCOHost in the Trident Online Library.

McMaster, S., Ledrick, D., Stausmire, J., & Burgard, K. (2014). Evaluation of a simulation training program for uncomplicated fishhook removal. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 25, 416-424. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Uptick in simulation training. (2013). Air Force Time, 3. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.

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