Social Justice

Final Social Justice Paper                                                                                                                40 pts
Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice                                                                                         
1) To express a well-defined social justice issue of concern to you for a particular social work setting.

2) To demonstrate ability to consider oppression and discrimination and ways it may impact economic/financial, emotional, health, and behavioral health of service users

3) To demonstrate awareness and critical thinking of the cumulative integration of knowledge, values, skills and cognitive and affective processes for holistic competence through

      Ability to frame an  issue
      Ability to consider context
      Ability to communicate position
      Ability to analyze evidence
      Ability to integrate perspectives
      Ability to articulate implications

The final fifteen-page Social Justice Paper should address one specific aspect of the course in relation to your current or future career interest in social work. APA features to remember include a title page, page numbers, section headings and reference page. Use at least 10 readings from weeks 6 through 14 to document the issue, to demonstrate your focus and include service users opinions and social justice perspective in a specific social work setting. For example, students hoping to work in a school setting might explore issues from week of gender expression and identity as they relate to school policies or truancy polices related to low-income families.  Workplace discrimination, emotional distress or low income connected to environmental issues or service delivery could be considered. Class discussion or professor consultation about your idea is encouraged.

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