Research Paper – King Sunny Ad (Nigerian Juju Singer)

The research paper should include the following information in detail:

– An introduction of your topic and why they are/it is important to music.
– Extensive historical information.
– How your topic fits into the parameters of their/its musical genre(s). This should include what influenced them/it and how they/it influenced others.
– Most important works/its most important artists and why.

The research paper should also include at least three musical examples. These can be Youtube links, but be sure to triple-check them to be sure they are truly representative of your topic. Discuss WHY you chose each example. Include brief historical information and discuss each example using terms from Chapter 2.

Include Works Cited at the end of the research paper. You must use a minimum of five sources. There is no maximum requirement for Works Cited. Wikipedia and Youtube are not reliable sources for research purposes, so do not use them in your Works Cited. A number of music databases are listed on the KSU Library website at Musical example links do NOT count as a source for Works Cited.

Works Cited format should follow the MLA guidelines. You can find information on MLA format on the KSU Writing Center Handouts website at

The research paper should be DOUBLE-SPACED, 1500 minimum word count EXCLUDING Works Cited and the following if you choose to include them: cover page/header/footer/page numbers/footnotes.

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