Reading Response for “Platforms Intervene,” “All Writing is Multimodal,” and “Composing for Recomposition”

You were asked to read “Platforms Intervene ,” “All Writing is Multimodal ,” and “Composing for Recomposition (” (stop reading at The D Brand). In at least 300 words, please respond here to the following prompt (you can just hit “reply” directly under this discussion):

Drawing from examples in the readings, in what ways do platforms and modes influence the way we read, write, and circulate (or recompose) communications? Be sure to also address:

What argument is the author(s) making (what is their main point or what do they want you to think or do)?
What are key concepts from the reading (keywords and their definitions according to the author(s)?
What is a key quote from the reading and what do you think it means?
How does this work inform either our current project or how you think about digital rhetoric–in other words, what is your take away from this reading?
Please Note: You only need to write one response that addresses both or one of the readings. 

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