read an article and see instruction

The focus of this essay is the Women, Peace, and Security Index.  Yes, it is long.  No, you dont have to read everything.  That said, you are expected to write a paper that encapsulates some of its contents and then offers your own thoughts.  I chose this because it helps contextualize (and juxtapose) the experience of women here in the Unites States with women living in other parts of the world.  Here what I would like you to do: Read the entire Overview section (p. 1-8).  Then, using the Contents section (p. iii), read and summarize a segment of Chapter 1 (p. 11-28), Chapter 2 (p. 31-45), and Chapter 3 (p. 47-55).  You get to pick.  Each should receive a solid paragraph.  Make sure that you cite all quotes (which should be kept to a minimum) and major ideas that are not yours.*  Also, make sure that you paraphrase as much as possible.  Lastly, what role do you think our government should play in changing conditions around the world?  Your essay should flow smoothly, so please think about how each component fits together to compose the whole.  *The same rules apply to the report as every other Q&A Paper this quarter.  Double check the syllabus for more information if necessary.

            +0-4 points x3 for summarizing a part of each of the three separate chapters

            +0-3 points for explaining how the U.S. should respond to problems women face

            +0-5 points for organization, clarity, and grammar

Q&A Papers: You must read additional excerpts and write short papers answering a question that I pose on each of them (the PDF files of the excerpts and questions are posted on CANVAS).  Note: These assignments do not involve outside research, so please dont incorporate additional sources.  Each paper should be 2 pages (maximum), double-spaced and they are worth 20 points.  Total: 4 x 20 = 80 points.

  When completing these writing assignments:

Answer the question I ask, not the question you want to answer;
Think about the question I ask before reading each piece because then you will know what to look for;
Highlight and write in the margins as you read each piece;
Avoid pulling any quotes directly from the text (no block quotes are allowed).  It is imperative that you process the authors ideas and explain them in your own concise words, i.e. paraphrase.  Note: Brief quotes (i.e. the authors exact words) and any paraphrased sections that include major ideas (i.e. your words) require a simple parenthetical citation inside of the period at the end of the sentence.
Quote example: authors word authors word authors word authors word, (p. 75).
Paraphrase example: your word your word your word your word (p. 75).
Never quote an authors quote from another source (note: always paraphrase in this situation);
Use the Times New Roman 12 point font.  Margins should be 1 inch;
Do not use unspecific words (e.g. things, stuff), contractions, slang, profanity, or text message lingo anywhere in your papers.
  Suggested approach:

    Step 1: Read the questions and rubric;

    Step 2: Read and mark-up the excerpt (or article);

    Step 3: Re-read the question and rubric;

    Step 4: Write paper (each segment of the question/rubric deserves a separate paragraph).

  Note: I will deduct points if you do not follow the directions above.

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