Program Evaluation

Imagine that you are developing an evaluation plan for a program in your chosen career area of interest. Based upon the readings, reflect upon how you design your program evaluation.

Please respond to the following:
    What type of program evaluation would you choose for your proposed program and why?
    Describe key program activities you would assess to understand your programs functioning and how you would measure changes in these activities (outputs)?
    What might be some of the benefits of these proposed activities (outcomes) and the potential measurable changes as a result of these services (impacts)?

Please read the following chapters in the text: Kettner, P. M., Moroney, R., & Martin, L. L. (2017). Designing and managing programs: an effectiveness-based approach (5th ed.). SAGE.
    Chapter 10: Performance Measurement, Monitoring, And Program Evaluation
    Chapter 11: Impact Program Evaluation and Hypothesis Testing

Chapter 10 will explain the link between performance measurement, monitoring, and evaluation and management information systems. In this chapter, you will explore the purposes and process for monitoring. You will also discover ways in which data are used.

In Chapter 11 of the text, you will review the impact of program evaluation in more detail. You will be introduced to theory success, theory failure, and program failure learn the relationship between the three theories. You will also be introduced to the major types of program evaluations. You will also review two major reasons that programs fail. It is important to be familiar with these reasons to avoid common pitfalls and to prepare for program success.

Additionally, please review the resources below:
Library Reading
Unrau, Y. A., Gabor, P. A., & Grinnell Jr., R. M. (2007). Evaluation in social work: The art and science of practice (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.
    Part II: Doing an Evaluation

Web Resources
Center for Community Health and Development, University of Kansas. (n.d.). Section 5. Developing an Evaluation Plan. Community Tool Box.
Fetterman, D. (2017). Empowerment Evaluation. BetterEvaluation.

    Please review the key concepts found in this resource.

McNamara, C. (2017). Field guide to nonprofit program design, marketing and evaluation (5th ed.). Authenticity Consulting, LLC.

Quinn, R. E. (n.d.). Robert E. Quinns Competing Values Framework. Quinn Association.

OTM Education. (2013, November 2). Introduction to Competing Values Framework [Video]. YouTube.

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