Thisfinal project for is the creation of aPOWERPOINT PRESENTATIONinvestigating oneorgan system.
Please discuss the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. I have attached 2 documents that need to be part of this presentation.
Specificallythe following critical elements must be addressed:
1. Describe the anatomy of the primary organ system in 23 slidesensuring that you:
1. Provide a description of the organsystems location as presented in the anatomical position within the humanbody.
2. Describe the organs and structurescontained in this organ system.
3. Identify key cell or tissue typescontained in this organ system.
4. Provide a labeled diagram or imageillustrating the organ systems location relative to other organ systems.
2. Explain the physiology of the organ system in 23 slides including:
1. A description of the majorphysiological functions of the organ system.
2. A labeled diagram or imageillustrating one of the functions of the organ system
3.Describe the relationship of theprimary organ system to a secondary organ system in 23 slides specifically: The secondary organ system can be the endocrine system.
a. The interactions of the twosystems including physiological functions that require the two systems toperform together. b.The dependence of thehuman body on this specific relationship i.e. its significance.
4. Discuss common medical issues and diseases affecting the primary organsystem in 23 slides describing for each:
1. The nature of the condition ordisease (e.g. who can have this and when it can occur).
2. The implications of the conditionor disease (i.e. the impaired function the ultimate consequences).
3. The cause(s) of the condition ordisease.
d. The prevalence of the condition ordisease in the American population.
POWERPOINT presentation on Lymphatic System biology homework help