Please limit your responses to 500 words or less.

  Please limit your responses to 500 words or less.  You will write your responses in class, during the exam period.

Briefly examine a contemporary political controversy from the perspective of Iris Marion Youngs characters of the Activist and the Deliberative Democrat.  In your response, explore both the advantages and potential limitations of these approaches to deliberation (as contextualized by your specific example).    You may not write about the same topic as your final project.

Analyze a speech using the concepts and vocabulary we have learned this semester.  Consider the following: Deliberative, Epideictic, or Forensic rhetoric? The use of artistic and inartistic proofs (Ethos, Pathos, Logos), the use of rhetorical tropes (irony, metonymy and synecdoche, metaphor, analogy, etc.), Kairos, who is/are the audience(s)?  What is the rhetorical situation or exigence for this speech?  What arguments are made in this speech?  Are any of them fallacious?  What about the use of syllogisms or enthymemes?  Is this a reasonable argument?  (Explain).

Choose from one of the following 4 speeches- the text of all will be provided to you during the exam period.

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