
As a nurse, you will be required to think critically about patient data and make informed decisions. In this case scenario you will apply what you’ve learned in the previous modules to the following concepts (if applicable):

Clinical decision making
Safety Considerations
Patient assessment
Medication Administration
Read the assignment rubric to understand how you will be graded.
Download the case scenarioPreview the document and concept map answer documentPreview the document.

Answer the case scenario questions using your textbook and scholarly, recent (within the last five years) nursing articles. Be sure to address any of the above concepts that apply to the scenario.
Complete the concept map according to the case scenario. A concept map template is provided for you, but you can edit it to fit the case scenario as you see fit. Be sure map all medications and show relationships between the concepts listed above if it’s applicable to the scenario.
Upload your concept map answer document here.

Case Scenario Rubric
Case Scenario Rubric
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCase Scenario Answers
12 pts
The response answers all case scenario questions thoroughly and correctly. The student uses scholarly, recent articles and their textbook to support their answers. Student addresses the following concepts if they applied to the scenario: clinical decision making, safety considerations, collaboration, patient assessment, pathophysiology, nutrition, medication administration.
6 pts
The response shows evidence of the excellent criteria, but has room for improvement in 1 area.
0 pts
The response shows evidence of the excellent criteria but has room for improvement in 2 or more areas, or the student did not attempt the assignment.
12 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConcept Map
12 pts
Full Marks
The concept map shows all medications involved in the scenario. It clearly demonstrates the relationships between the following concepts if they were applicable to the scenario: clinical decision making, safety considerations, collaboration, patient assessment, pathophysiology, nutrition, medication administration.
6 pts
The concept map shows evidence of the excellent criteria, but has room for improvement in 1 area.
0 pts
The concept map shows evidence of the excellent criteria, but has room for improvement in 2 or more areas, or the student did not attempt the assignment.
12 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Formatting
6 pts
Full Marks
Citations are in correct APA formatting.
3 pts
Citations have 1-2 errors.
0 pts
No Marks
Citations have more than 2 errors or student did not attempt the assignment.
6 pts
Total Points: 30

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