music homework

Two page: one page for essay one page for listening test
WATCH & LISTEN: Watch the two videos and listen to period examples on all of your CDs.
RESEARCH ON THE WEB – ESSAY: Discuss opera houses in Venice during Monteverdi’s time their mechanical abilities performance practices and their audience and how this has shaped the modern Broadway musical.
(NOTE: This is not an assignment about Monteverdi or his music.)
LISTENING ASSIGNMENT: Identify the 5 musical examples for PART III.
MONTEVERDI L’Orfeo (1/12)
Duration: (10:25)User:veraeikon -Added:4/8/09
YouTube URL:
MONTEVERDI LOrfeo (1978) This 1987 production is an excellent view into the elaborate staging and consumes of the time.
Nikolaus Harnoncourt directionJean-Pierre Ponnelle directionPhilippe Huttenlocher (Orfeo)Dietlinde Turban (Euridice)Trudeliese Schmidt (Music Hope)Roland Hermann (Apollo)Glenys Linos (Messenger Proserpina)Werner Grschel (Plutone)Hans Franzen (Caronte)Peter Keller (First Shepherd)Francisco Araiza (Second Shepherd First Spirit)Ballet de l’Opra de ZrichChoeur de l’Opra de ZrichDas Monteverdi ensemblePet Halmen costumes
VideoToccata & Fugue in d minor (BACH JS)
Duration: (9:57)User:cphayles -Added:1/9/07

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