Music assignment

Listening Journal
Due date: 17:00pm Monday February 27. 2 pages long
The Assignment: Describe music and culture from the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Objective: To better understand how musical expressions are organized musically and how they function in society. Requirements:
* Read these short web articles:
Medieval & Renaissance Music: A Brief Survey
Hildegard of Bingen: Symphony of the Harmony of Heaven
Guillaume de Machaut (c.1300-1377) read the short Biography section at the beginning
* Watch and listen to these Youtube videos:
1. Ordo Virtutam [Play of Virtues] Hildegard of Bingen (Germany 1098-1179)

2. Machaut: Dreams In The Pleasure Garden – Chansons – Je puis trop bien Guillaume de Machaut (France 1300-1377)
3. El Grillo [The Cricket] Josquin Desprez (France 1455-1521)

4. Since Robin Hood Thomas Weelkes (England 1575-1623)

* Write a short paragraph (about 125-175 words) about each of four pieces of music from this unit for a total of two pages (double-spaced) for the entire assignment. In each listening response answer all three of these questions:
1. Briefly describe some key cultural environmental acoustic social historical economic and/or political characteristics of this place.
2. Briefly explain some important musical characteristics of music in this recording and/or of this era and place.
3. Briefly describe the sounds. Listen to the recording and write about it in your own words including your reaction to it how it makes you feel.
Notes on writing style and format:
* It should be about 2 pages in length. * Use 1 1/2 or double line spacing (do not use single line spacing). * Use a standard 10-12 point plain font such as Verdana Arial or Times New Roman. * Use standard margins. * Proofread your work and use a spell checker. * In your document be sure to include your name the date the course and section numbers and the name of this assignment.

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