
As you search, create Works Cited page alphabetically (see sample in “Assignments”).

4. Find a minimum of five sources, and three different kinds (see PowerPoint in “Files” for examples).

5.  Remote learners: submit into “Assignments” under “Work Cited”.

6.  Remote learners:  check feedback to see if you need to make corrections and re-submit.

7. In person learners:  submit a hard copy to me.

8.  Check due dates on “Calendar”.

9.  Find three “chunks” or sub-topics of information that you want to discuss in your paper.

10.  Make an outline from these three sub-topics (I. II. III.).

11.  Make a thesis statement from your sub-topics.

12.  Create an introduction:  topic sentence, details, thesis statement, 100 words, NO PERSONAL PRONOUNS IN THE PAPER AT ALL.

13.  (In Person) Turn in hard copies of outline and introduction on two separate pages

14. Remotes:  submit into “Assignments” under “Outline and Introduction”; in persons, submit hard copies to me.

15. Check due dates: Remotes submit and check feedback; re-submit until it is correct.

16. In person = submit hard copies to me.

17.  Work on body paragraphs that match the thesis and outline:  YOU MUST HAVE SHORT COPIED MATERIAL IN EACH BODY PARAGRAPH DOCUMENTED MLA STYLE. Each paragraph is 100 words (how many words is the paper, minimum?).

18. If you can imbed your copied citations into your own sentence, this will be the advanced stage that you are aiming for; if you’ve never done it, it takes some practice.

19.  Create a conclusion that does not repeat what you have already stated. Here you will save your best conclusive, profound statements for last without introducing any new subjects.

20. You have completed your notes and rough draft. Have a knowledgeable person proof your paper for you.

21.  Now you are ready to submit your final copy; remotes, turn into “Assignments” and in persons, turn in hard copies to me.

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