NIST has created a project called the NICE Challenge Project ( with the goal of developing virtual challenges and environments to test students and professionals alike on their ability to perform NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework tasks and exhibit their knowledge, skills, and abilities.
The NICE Challenge Project has dozens of unique challenges available for students and cybersecurity professionals.
In addition, NIST has created a website called CyberSeek ( According to its home page, CyberSeek provides detailed, actionable data about supply and demand in the cybersecurity job market. One of the main features of the CyberSeek website is the ability to track data on cybersecurity job demand within the public and private sectors. The CyberSeek career pathway helps students and professionals interested in cybersecurity careers and employers looking to fill job openings.
In a three-page research paper, address the following tasks.
Assume that you are working in a large corporation and that you have been tasked with the following:
Create a security awareness campaign focused on the topic. Include specifics on how you intend to deliver the message.
Create at least one piece of supporting material (e.g., a visual, an infographic, or a handout).
Design a way to test the effectiveness of your message.
Before launching the campaign, you want to make sure you have the full support of the executive management.
How will your campaign align with HR procedures?
What type of educational program would you develop for management?
What would the message be?
Explain how the NICE Framework can be used to develop employees from your organization and how you can benefit from CyberSeek to recruit new talent. Provide examples.
Include a minimum of three references. Your paper must use APA formatting, including a title and a reference page, which are not included in the minimum page count.
IS Security Policy Analysis, Unit VI Research Paper