Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

Critical Analysis Book Choice-  Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs
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First, you must read the book. Locate at least 2 other reviews of the book.

The paper must be at least 1400 words and contain at least 3 but no more than 5 quotations.

Please include your Works Cited page at the end of your paper. The title page and Works Cited page do NOT count toward the 1400 word minimum. You may use MLA, APA or Chicago style formatting.

The paper must be proofread !! NO  plagiarism. The following are general ideas for organizing paper:

1. Introduction- First identify the name and author of the book, identify the type of book, and describe the overall theme of the book. The first sentence should grab the readers attention.Last sentence of the Introduction should explain goal/purpose of the paper.

2. Overview- Summarize the book, explaining the main points. This should be in past tense.

3. Review of the book- This is the major section of the paper. Be sure to describe how the book affected you. Tell the reader if you liked the book or not. Be specific: Does the book leave out something it should have included? Would you recommend this book to someone else? What did you learn from the book? These are some of the questions you should consider. Other items to consider include why the author included certain items or omitted other items. Did you like the style in which the book was written?  Include an explanation of how the book relates to this course, identifying specific course themes that relate to your reading. This should be in past tense. Compare your comments to those of the two outside reviewers.

4. Conclusion- Present a summary of your paper and add any final thoughts.

AFTER READING YOUR PAPER, THE READER SHOULD BE ABLE TO: —Know the authors name and book name. —be able to identify your thesis sentence at the end of the first paragraph. —Have a general overview of the story. —Know your thoughts on the questions listed in the review. —understand your conclusion as a brief restatement of the thesis as well as concluding and supporting information. It is your responsibility to ensure your paper has proper spacing and is at least 1400 words long.


Grammar Hints

1. If your paper is over 30% plagiarized (ACCORDING TO YOUR ORIGINALITY REPORT , you will receive a ZERO. Please check

2. Avoid using informal language. This is a college paper and should be written for a college audience. Do not write this paper as if you were speaking to a classmate. (Avoid phrases like “back in the day” and other slang)

3. ABSOLUTELY NO misspelled words.

4. Begin sentences with capitals and end with proper punctuation.

5. Use punctuation correctly.

6. Use capitalization correctly.

7. Indent paragraphs.

8. Use proper noun-verb agreement.

9. Make sure sentences are complete and make sense.

10. Do not use run-on sentences nor sentence fragments/incomplete sentences.

11. Review rules on commas and semi-colons.

12. Vary the wordingavoid using words repetitiously.

13. Vary the beginning of sentencesavoid The author saidThe author didThe theme was

14. Do not begin sentences with: But, So, And, Because

15. Do not use contractions.

16. Avoid using quotes without citing them.

17. Minimum 1400 words.

18. Put a Header on the paper with your name, course #, page number

19. Put a Title on the paper.

20. Make sure that your paper includes an Introductory Paragraph and a Concluding Paragraph.

21. The first sentence of the Introductory Paragraph should grab the readers attention.

22. The last sentence of the Introductory Paragraph should explain the goal or purpose of the paper.

23. The concluding paragraph should sum up the paper and add any final thoughts.

24. Avoid writing in first and second person as much as possible. I realize this is an opinion paper, so get creative and vary your wording. The review section is the only area that first person is acceptable.

25. Avoid using questions in the paper. Phrase them as statements.

26. Write the paper in past tense

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