In cold blood week 5

Please respond to ONE of the following questions. Please include the number of the question in the subject line. Be sure to use textual support and include the page numbers in parenthetical citations.

1. How would you describe the range of viewpoints on capital punishment expressed in In Cold Blood, and what do you think would be Capote’s purpose in including that range? Connect the content of Part IV with the opening epigraph. Be sure to provide textual evidence.
2. In Part IV Capote includes considerable forensic psychiatric theory; e.g. the differentiation between sane and insane, and includes discussion of the article “Murder Without Apparent Motive–A Study in Personality Disorganization.” How does this information contribute to Capote’s portrayal of Perry Smith?

3. Once Smith and Hickock have been sentenced to death, Capote includes significant information about other prisoners on death row and psychiatric diagnoses, the M’Naghten Rule, the Durham Rule, and Christian doctrine. How do you think Capote wanted that information to affect readers? What makes you think that?

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