Healthcare Challenges 2020

Write a 1000-1500 word essay
Use your Unit III Annotated Bibliography for your sources.  Therefore, the same source guidelines apply: Use a minimum of 5 sources.  One source must be a peer reviewed journal article or a book.  One source may come from Practical Argument, but you must have at least 4 outside sources.  You may not use Wikipedia,, blog posts, Facebook posts, etc. 
Quote in your essay using MLA in text citation at least 6 times (see Unit I Readings from Practical Argument for help here).
Continue to show improvement in any pattern of grammatical error that you may have had in earlier essays
Double-space your essay
Avoid using contractions in your writing
Use 12 point, Times New Roman Font or Arial Font (but not Calibri)
Write for your narrow audience as best you can
Use MLA Essay format (see the MLA Format Help Module)

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