Hi you should choose a topic about mother nature. I will post course theme you wll have an idea about it. Homework includes 2 parts which are.
You should send me a copy of sources that you will use. I will upload sample proposal and annotated bibliography. Also upload homework task. I am international student so please dont use complex sentence.
First Part
1-page research proposal including a focused topic research question details of a proposed research strategy and a list of initial sources
Second Part
An annotated bibliography of 5 independently researched sources including at least three scholarly sources and including sources that have viewpoints in contrast to one another. Each entry should be between 150-200 words.
Course theme:Mother Nature:Our relationship with the Environment has significantly changed since the Industrial Revolution and more recent changes in the human-environment relationship such as accelerated globalization and global environmental change have placed the Environment in a critical phase of concern for the future. Important phenomena include a rise in human population the global transfer of inventions and values the beginning of industrialization and and associated with these the dramatic modifications of land use and biodiversity hydrological and energy flows and key ecological processes. There is a now growing need to give priority to the protection ofMother Naturefor the welfare of human civilization and this course is designed to respond to this need by examining what we can do for a more sustainable future.