For Anyone



Early childhood professionals are expected to be knowledgeable of current policy and legislation in the field. In this Assignment, you will research current policy and legislation in early childhood on a topic assigned to you by the instructor. After describing the historical impact of this policy or legislation and its impact on early childhood, you will create a plan of advocacy to share this information with parents and professional colleagues.

Each student was assigned to a team in Unit 4, each team was assigned a topic, and the Assignment was discussed at length in the Unit 4 Seminar. This affords your team more than four units during which to arrange several meetings and organize your strategy for completing this Assignment.

In your group, research the policy or legislation assigned to your group by your instructor.

Complete an educational pamphlet based upon your research.

The educational pamphlet should follow this general outline:

  • Introduction: Presenting thesis and purpose of the educational pamphlet
  • Begin by describing the policy or legislation
  • Discuss in detail the historical impact this issue has on early childhood
  • Create a plan of advocacy to share this information with parents and professional colleagues. Be specific with the action items in your plan. The Writing Center has information on how to use APA formatting. You can access the Writing Center from the Academic Tools tab or with the following link:
  • Conclusion: Reviewing main points and summarizing the educational pamphlet
  • References: Three APA formatted references

Please keep the following expectations in mind:

  • Use the provided template
  • Minimum of 2 pages using American Standard English
  • If images are used, they should be properly referenced
  • A minimum of three academic or scholarly sources must be used from the Library must also be included.

Topics that will be assigned to groups:

Universal preschool

Early childhood state accountability systems

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)

Charter schools

Childrens development of competencies

School reform efforts

Standardized assessment and accountability

Research-based practice

Test-based retention

STEM in early childhood education

Early science learning

Language and early literacy

Issues of language, cultural, and economic diversity

Dual language learner

Standards and early education

School readiness

Technology in early childhood

Professional development

Accreditation and accountability issues in early childhood education

Early intervention/early childhood special education

Teacher research and inquiry

Early childhood teachers development and preparation

Early childhood education program administration


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