Final Research Report

Here is information on how you will be graded for this part of the project:

Professionalism of presentation – 20 points – Here you are being graded on appearance, spelling, grammar, table of contents, etc.
Introduction – 10 points – Here you give a brief background of the situation; the information and research questions [copy and paste these directly from the handout]; and the overview of the research project [this should be specific to this part of the project and describe what will be coming up in the rest of this part of the project]
Research Methods and Procedures:
Sampling – 20 points – Here you need to describe the population of interest, the sample size, sampling type and explanation, and advantages/disadvantages associated with this sampling type. Use the information provided in the “Information for Part II” file to assist you with determining the population of interest, sample size, and sampling type portions.
Data Collection – 20 points – Here you need to describe the type of survey method, how specifically the data was collected, advantages/disadvantages of this survey method, and error types associated with the data. Use the information provided in the “Information for Part II” file to assist you with determining the type of survey method and how specifically the data was collected.
Results – 80 points – This is the major section of the project. Here is where you analyze the data provided. This should be the longest section of the paper. It should include tables and charts/graphs as well as written comments analyzing and summarizing the results. The results section should include three different sections: 1. Sample Characteristics (i.e. discuss who was sampled using information from the classification section); 2. Background Information (i.e. discuss results from the cosmetic questions not specifically related to Cover Girl Perfect Point Plus); and 3. Cover Girl Perfect Point Plus Information (i.e. discuss results from the questions specifically related to Cover Girl Perfect Point Plus). Please see Sample Data Interpretation Sentences for information on how to interpret the results.
Conclusions, Recommendations – 40 points – Here is where you answer the research questions and decision questions. You need to provide support for your answer from the results section. No new statistical information should occur here. You also need to provide recommendations to the company on what they should do next. Be creative here.
Limitations of Study – 10 points – Here you should discuss possible weaknesses of the study.

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