Film paper outline and Thesis statement for an argumentative essay regarding the movie lone survivor

Film paper outline and Thesis statement for an argumentative essay regarding the movie lone survivor (with Mark Walberg)
Watch the movie Lone Survivor with Mark Walberg and do and the following outline bellow but first, make sure you come up with a meaningful thesis statement (this thesis is for an 8 pages long argumentative essay) and so on.
Theme the Afghanistan war.
There are hundreds of images and words in one single movie scene. We want to really pick apart the significance of the moments we choose to work with and develop a thorough analysis from each one.
After accounting for our introductions and conclusions, we might have room to analyze 3-6 moments in the movie that support our arguments. Keep in mind that we are constructing a complex argument, not summarizing the entire movie.
Times new roman, double spacing, 12 font, minimum of one full page.
Working Thesis Statement:
Subclaim #1:
How does it support your subclaim?:
Subclaim #2:
How does it support your subclaim?:
Subclaim #3:
How does it support your subclaim?:
Subclaim #4:
How does it support your subclaim?:

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