Directions: First watch the following clip (Links to an external site.)
(also if you havent seen the film I might suggest you either google the synopsis so you understand the context or watch the film itself). Jack Nicholsons character is giving a rhetoric base speech to his audience and it is your job to analyze what he is doing and how effective it is. You must choose 3 parts from your reader (1 from each 1/3rd of the class) and explain how each of the individuals or groups in these parts would react to the what Jack Nicholson is doing. Some questions you might want to ask are: Is what he is doing rhetoric? Is he doing this well? What aspects of this speech might the people read about have problems with? These are just some questions and there are many more. Construct this into a 2-3 page response (much like your reading responses) with each paragraph being about a different perspective of analysis. Doing this can yield you up to 5 extra credit points. This will be due on the same day as your final on canvas.
Extra Credit