Essay outline

Make an outline for the attached essayExample Essay OutlineTITLEMIGHT, RIGHT, AND BLOOD IN MACBETHIntroductionThesis: The image of blood changes meaning in the play. It contrasts those who have right on their side with those who exercise might [ruthless power]. [Note that the outline begins with the thesis.]I. It is praiseworthy to shed blood for a rightful cause. [The student argues for violence, given just cause]Wounds become a defender of the rightful king. (might for right)I.ii., discussion of honour. [notice the specific references to scenes in the play]Macbeth promoted, honoured for defending king.II. It is possible to exercise power or might against rightful authority [the plot to kill Duncan]A. Killing the king.1. Bloody business (II.I.48).2. More than bloody deed. (II.IV.21). [here exercising might or power is discussed]B. Fulfillment of prophecy: Macbeth shall be king.1. He is king by misusing might and shedding blood.III. Shedding blood upsets the rightful blood line for the monarchy. [a crucial point: who should be king?]A. Donalbains fountain of blood/Is stopped, its very source is stopped. (II.iii.93-4).B. Donalbain becomes Macbeths bloody cousin (III.i.29).1. relation of the king.2. in line to be murdered: The nearer in blood/The nearer bloody (II.iii.136-7).C. Macbeths blood line will not produce a king by either might or right.1. Witches prophecy.2. Macbeths dream of Banquo (IV.i.123-124).D. Additional blood (Banquos) does not make might right.IV. The result of shedding blood wrongly is bloody guilt and more bloodshed.A. Smear Duncans grooms with bloodfalse guilt.B. Blood on the face of Banquos murdererguilt.C. Bloody hand of night cannot hide guilt (III.ii.48).D. Lady Macbeths sleepwalking.1. Wash blood (guilt) from hand (II.ii.59-60).E. Kill the kingbloody instructions. Kill Banquo (Banquo in bloody distance to Macbeth) (III.i.116).1. guiltBanquo heard prophecy; he suspects Macbeths guilt.2. Banquo is in line to be killed.3. lineageBanquos sons will be kings. Battle resultmore bloodshed.V. The blood cycles continue and blood-right prevails.A. Macbeths sons never wear the crown.B. Blood will have blood. (III.iv.122).1. Might will have guilt.2. Right will have might.3. Guilt will have might.C. Duncan, the rightful king, ultimately has might and right.1. Who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?(V.i.35-37).a. After right is killed by might, guilt lives.b. Right prevails. Duncan hasright even when dead.D. The initial paradox of fair is foul and foul is fair is ultimately expanded to right is might and might is right.ConclusionThesis restated: Blood imagery is a touchstone for the merits of the actions in Macbeth. In theirproceedings, characters are exercising either might [wrongly] or right [rightly].Final note: the Roman numerals (1 V) indicate the likely paragraphs that the student will eventually write. The letters and numbers that follow illustrate the ideas and proofs that the student will bring into play in supporting his or her arguments.

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