Essay 2: A Marginalized Population

Essay 2: A Marginalized Population

Read Willie Garretts  downloaddescription of marginalized populations (groups that are mischaracterized, misunderstood, discriminated against, hated, neglected, targeted, or denied equal rights). Garrett provides a list of commonly-marginalized groups. Select a group that you either have a strong connection to or that you have no connection to but would like to understand better (either like you or very unlike you). You may select a specific population not included in the list, as well, such as missing/murdered indigenous women, executions of transgender people around the world, or the Uyghur population currently in concentration camps in Xinjiang, China. Of course you could also choose a more visible, politically-targeted group such as immigrants from Mexico and Central/South America seeking asylum at the southern US border, or even undocumented immigrants living, studying, and working in America.

Identify the reasons and events that have led to this groups being marginalized, describe the specific ways in which this group suffers from marginalization, and explore the effects of marginalization on the lives of not only the population itself but the communities in which they live. Consider not only social factors but also economic, educational, medical, political/legal, geographical, and historic ones (you dont have to explore all these in your essay). What does this population need in order to survive or even thrive, and how can they get it? Why should this population be supported, and how could this happen? This essay should be about 3.5-5 pages long, so keep your scope fairly broad (this isnt a 10-page research paper, though it easily could be made into one).

You do not need to include Garrett’s piece in your essay, but you may want to seek outside support for this assignment, as dates of events, important names, and statistical data may be necessary. If you choose to use others work, remember you must follow proper MLA citation guidelines, which can be found in our Rules for Writers book (pp. 397-476) or on Canvas in the Research Paper Modulethere are links there to MLA support, including our own Shatford Library libguide. Youll need to evaluate possible sources and use proper quoting, paraphrasing, and citing in-text, in addition to a properly-formatted Works Cited page at the end of the essay (more MLA details will be coming soon, so do your best with the information you have). Also keep in mind that no more than 20% of your text should come from outside information, so be careful not to lose your voice in all the information.

You will decide how many body paragraphs you need to support your claims, but each body paragraph should have a clear topic sentence and detailed support (remember your FRIENDs). Be as specific as possible and give reasons and examples where appropriate. I’m looking for a clear thesis in your introduction, as well as a conclusion that leaves your reader thinking. Even better would be a creative title that echoes your main ideas. After you submit this essay once for a grade, you will have the opportunity to use my feedback and re-submit for an improved score.

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