Educational psychology

Students will read first-hand reports of empirical research focused on topics related to Educational Psychology that are published in peer-reviewed journals. Students will submit summaries of these articles that include a critical analysis of the content. The research article review should be written in APA style, and no direct quotes or close paraphrasing is allowed. The summary should be between 2 to 3 pages, double spaced, and Summaries should include a cover page and reference page. 

Research article summaries should include a synopsis written in the students own words of information pertaining to all sections of an APA style research article:

Introduction (i.e., a thesis statement describing the purpose of the research, an explanation of variables, statement of hypotheses, summary of background research),

Method (i.e., a description of participants, procedure, assessments),

Results (i.e., description of how the data were used to test hypotheses, explanation of how observed data relates to research question),

Discussion (i.e., explanation of conclusions, limitations of study).

Summaries should also include the students own critical analysis of limitations of the research and an integration of how the research article fits in with the broader research context.

A full reference of each article should be included at the end of each summary, and an electronic copy of each empirical article should be submitted with the assignment.

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