Discussion 6051

Heterosexism is defined as “the discrimination or prejudice by heterosexuals against homosexuals” (merriam-webster.com) and is predicated on the belief that being heterosexual is the norm and the only accepted type of relationship.

Everyday heterosexism is exemplified in our media, our policies, and daily practices. By making these assumptions, social workers can be in part culpable for the oppression and marginalization experienced by the LGBTQ community.

As a profession, social work embraces diversity and strives to ensure equal rights for all. The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is committed to supporting the needs of these groups and, in turn, they created the National Committee on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Issues. During this week’s discussion you will be asked to consider how one’s own personal views on sexual orientation may clash with the profession’s stance.

Post a scenario of how a social worker’s personal, ethical, and moral values in relation to the LGBTQ community might conflict with those of their clients. Explain the distinction between personal ethics and values and professional ethics and values evident in the social work profession in addressing this community. Be specific and explain how this distinction relates to the scenario you posted. Also explain how prejudice and bias might create barriers to fulfilling your professional responsibility to the LGBTQ community.

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