
Discussion Instructions
We have all observed people who are effective leaders, as well as people who are less effective as leaders. When people in positions of leadership fail to demonstrate effective leadership ability in the work environment, it can affect the way they are perceived and how their employees perform their jobs. Effective leaders can motivate, innovate, problem solve, and more.

As you read in the leadership handout this week, the most effective leaders are those who are aware of their strengths as a leader and use those strengths to thrive themselves while inspiring others. This relates well to the concept of lifelong learning, growth mindset, and mindfulnessit all comes together!

For this discussion, reflect back on a time and situation in which you observed or experienced positive leadership, and what the results were. This might have involved a supervisor, colleague, company CEO, church leader, school leader, or someone similar. Think about what you saw in this leader, and how their actions fit in with your idea of what leadership is. Also, consider what you have learned about yourself as a leader through the self-assessments so far, and how your own strengths and priorities fit in with your assessment of the leader you are thinking about.

Tell your peers a bit about this leader, and how they have inspired you. Then, in your own words, create a definition of leadership. Support your definition with concepts from the course resources you have read so far, your memories of this past leader, and your own strengths and values. You might consider:

What leadership strengths did the leader you thought back to demonstrate?
What did the assessments that I took reveal about my own strengths and potential growth areas?
Support your statements using the discussion resources as well as sources from your own research. Be sure you follow APA guidelines for citations and references.

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