Critical Thinking Book Report


These are the following isntructions for the critical thinking book report.

Critical Thinking Book Report You are asked to write a report on Who Moved My Cheese, Mans Search for Meaning, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The report should be between 5-7 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, with 1 inch margins. The report should include the following sections and analysis:
1.    A summary book report on each book
2.    A discuss of each books application to the course material
3.    A discussion on their application to current social, economic and political issues.
4.    A discussion on their application to your life: Past, present and future

Project/Assignments.  All projects will be typed and submitted in a professional manner.  Proper APA citations will be expected on all work where a reference, meaning other authors work, is used.  Plagiarized papers will receive a big fat F (see definition of plagiarism).  Students with English Language difficulties are required to seek the assistance of the Learning Resource Center.  You are in college; therefore, all work should look professional and prove that you are indeed in college.
Grading Criteria.  All papers will be graded based upon proper and correct content according to the projects outline.  Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and correct use of the English language are all criteria that will be graded and checked.  Again, you are in college and by now should have an understanding of correct written English. 

I attached the books, the text book and syllabus.

Please let me know soon if you have any questions. No plagiarism no copy its for university matter.

Thank you for your time.

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