controversial topic position paper

Develop your position on the question using the corresponding Taking Sides essay as a foundation.

Organize your paper as follows:

Title page.
Your position and arguments.
Evidence to support your arguments (i.e., data and research), including how the evidence supports the arguments.
Counterarguments to your position.
Rebuttals to those counterarguments.
Evidence to support your rebuttals (i.e., data and research), including how the evidence supports the rebuttals.
Summary and Conclusion.
This APA Style Paper Template [DOCX] is provided for your convenience.

Additional Requirements

Remember that the content of your paper must be 35 pages in length.
In addition to the essay, use a minimum of 5 resources, at least 2 of which are peer-reviewed academic articles.
Follow APA style and formatting guidelines throughout.
Set your paper in Times New Roman, 12 point.
Review the scoring guide before submitting your assessment to ensure that you meet all criteria. Refer to the helpful links in Resources as you complete your assessment.

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