Assignment must be handled perfectly
it’s due in 8 hours
any help would be highly appriciated
Assignment Overview
For this assignment you will continue analyzing the Medicaid case study this time from the perspectives of the change process and types of interventions that the City in partnership with the consulting firm used to transform the NYC offices as well as the resistance to change and the leadership strategies required to overcome it.
Required Reading
Isett K. R. Glied S. A. Sparer M. S. & Brown L. D. (2013). When Change Becomes Transformation. Public Management Review 15(1) 1-17. doi:10.1080/14719037.2012.686230
Note: You will need to do additional research on the Medicaid offices in NYC to be able to complete this assignment.
Case Assignment
Drawing on the material in the required and background reading prepare a 6-7 page paper (not including cover and reference pages) in which you:
Analyze the Medicaid Case Study using Kotters model for change. Specifically what did or didnt the City in partnership with the consulting firm do that followed or went against the model.
What types of interventions were used to induce change
What types of resistance to change were present? What did or didnt the City and/or the consulting firm do that enabled them to overcome any resistance to change. .
Define the leadership strategies present to lead the change and overcome resistance.
What limitations does Kotters model have and how did they manifest in this particular situation? What should be done to ensure that when using it they do not impact your analysis / change project?
Keys to the Assignment
The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered in your paper include:
Apply the Kotter Model of Change to analyze the case study.
Thoroughly examine the eight key areas of the model.
Summarize and analyze the nature of the interventions used to transform the Medicaid offices. Which are techno-structural? Human processual? Multi-faceted? Large group?
Identify individual sources of resistance to change and their causes
Identify structural sources of resistance to change and their causes
Evaluate the City / consulting firms leadership and the impact it had on overcoming the individual and structural barriers to change at Medicaid.
What else would you recommend be done to help avoid and/or overcome resistance to change at the Medicaid offices going forward?
What are the limitations of Kotters model? How would you recommend it be changed?
Required Reading
Aguirre D. and Alpern M. (2014). 10 principles of leading change management. Organizations and People (75). Retrieved from
Anderson C.S. & Zaballero A.G. (2015) Organization development and change models. In Zaballero A.G. Corn C.M. Haynes C. Rothwell W.J. Anderson C.S. & Park C.H. (eds) Organization Development Fundamentals: Managing Strategic Change. Alexandria VA: Association For Talent Development. Chapter 2: pp 13-42
Appelbaum S. H. Habashy S. Malo J. & Shafiq H. (2012). Back to the future: Revisiting Kotter’s 1996 change model. The Journal of Management Development 31(8) 764-782. doi:
Appreciative inquiry commons (n.d.). Retrieved from
Why Implementation matters.
Caldwell R. (2012). Leadership and learning: A critical reexamination of Senge’s learning organization. Systemic Practice and Action Research 25(1) 39-55. doi:
Change First (2014). How to actively engage your people in organisational change.
Choi M. (2011). Employees’ attitudes toward organizational change: A literature review. Human Resource Management 50(4) 479-500. doi:10.1002/hrm.20434
de Caluwe L. & Vermaak H. (2004). Change Paradigms: An Overview. Organization Development Journal 22(4) 9-18.
Decker P. Durand R. Mayfield C. O. McCormack C. Skinner D. & Perdue G. (2012). Predicting implementation failure in organization change. Journal of Organizational Culture Communication and Conflict 16(2) 29-49.
Isett K. R. Glied S. A. Sparer M. S. & Brown L. D. (2013). When Change Becomes Transformation. Public Management Review 15(1) 1-17. doi:10.1080/14719037.2012.686230
Kotter J. P. (1995). Leading change: Why transformation efforts fail. Harvard Business Review 73(2) 59-67.
Leadership styles. (2008). Leadership Toolbox. Retrieved from
Pardo-del-Val M. Martnez-Fuentes C. & Roig-Dobn S. (2012). Participative management and its influence on organizational change. Management Decision 50(10) 1843-1860. doi:
Poole M. S. & Van de Ven A. H. (2004). Handbook of Organizational Change and Innovation. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press.
Prosci. (1996-2014). Change management – the systems and tools for managing change . Retrieved November 20th 2014 from
Reissner S. C. Pagan V. & Smith C. (2011). Our iceberg is melting: Story metaphor and the management of organisational change. Culture & Organization 17(5) 417-433. doi:10.1080/14759551.2011.622908
Schein E. H. (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved from Trident online library eBook Academic Collection (EBSCO)
Wei M. & Ooi T. (2011). Organization transformation: What matters most is the leaders actions. International Journal of Emerging Sciences 1(3) 211-230.
Optional Reading
Badshah S. (2012). Historical study of leadership theories. Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management 1(1) 49-59.
Bencivenga J. (2002). John Kotter on leadership management and change. School Administrator 59(2) 36.
Burke W. W. (1997). The new agenda for organization development. Organization Dynamics 26(1) 7-20. Retrieved from Science Direct (TUI Library).
Jansson N. (2013). Organizational change as practice: A critical analysis. Journal of Organizational Change Management 26(6) 1003-1019.
McNaughton R. D. (2015). Leading organization change. Trident University International.
Savolainen T. (2013). Change implementation in intercultural context: A case study of creating readiness to change. Journal of Global Business Issues 7(2) 51-58.
complete 6 pages excluding title and reference pages (Medicaid)