Choose 6 out of the 10 questions.

Helpful hints:
Before constructing your answer, think of 2-3 points you think you should make in your response. (body of paragraph)
–    Create your introductory sentence that tells me what you are going to tell me including your major points.
–    Remember the 5 Ws (who, what, where, when and why)
–    Do not exceed 400 words per question
–    Proof-read!
–    Cite, cite, cite.
–    Save your work often to avoid loss, and or make notes on paper at your desk.
Choose 6 out of the 10 questions. 
Rely upon and cite ONLY your textbooks and Nickels, 2019 UM learn from the course notes I already gave it to you for the answers to these questions.
If an outside source is used zero will be assigned to that question in marking.

1.    How does looking at the history of the fur trade from an Indigenous perspective change traditional historical perspectives of it?
2.    What evidence of cultural misunderstanding between Parrys expedition and the people of Igloolik exists in both the Inuit Elders testimonies and the writing of Parry and George Lyon?
3.    Why did Indigenous leaders Kahgegagahgowh, Shingwaukonse, and Kahkewaquonaby request education for their people?
4.    Discuss the Hawthorn report and outline the main recommendations of the report.
5.    What led to the crisis in the Red River Settlement?
6.    Within our textbooks what lies at the centre of Eurocentred concept of culture and how is that different from Indigenous concepts?
7.    What events are pointed to be historians and Metis nationalists as the seminal moments in the formation of Metis National identity?
8.    Why did the Fox become the implacable enemy of the Indigenous allies with whom they shared a language and (to some degree) a culture?
9.    What was the Sixties Scoop? Describe how the goals of government agents who scooped Indigenous children to align with Residential Schools.
10.    How do Indigenous people react or resist                                                                                  federal policies from 1876?

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