Childhood obesity prevention program for Cochiti Pueblo Indians ages 13-18

Below are instructions for sections III. Implementation Plan
III. Implementation Plan (3 pages maximum)
K. Implementation Narrative (1 page)
1. The implementation plan should begin with an organized narrative description of the major steps, from
beginning to end, that will take place to implement the program. This will be accompanied by a detailed Timeline
in the Appendix, which is a visual illustration of the sequence and timing of activities.
Note: the timeline should guide the overall structure of this part of the narrative. However, be sure to include details that go beyond what the timeline conveys what happens behind
the scenes before, during, and after the program.
L. Budget and Budget Justification (1 short paragraph)
Provide a brief overview of the resources being requested for implementation, including the grand total requested,
the total requested for each project year, and a synopsis of the major expense categories/types. This overview
should be accompanied by a Line-item Budget and Budget Justification, both located in the Appendix.
The budget (in Appendix) should include all costs needed to implement the proposed program, and
should include major cost categories (Personnel, Fringe Benefits, Other Costs, Direct Costs, Indirect Costs,
Total), as well as specific line items (i.e., space rental, consultants, supplies, travel, printing, equipment,
incentives for participants, etc.). The projects title and budget time period should be included at the top of each
budget page. The budget justification (in Appendix) should provide rationale for each budget line item, calculations
demonstrating how those amounts were determined, and credentials of personnel or consultants to justify the
requested compensation. The budget justification should be organized in the exact same order as the budget.
M. Program Evaluation Plan (1.5 pages)
The program evaluation plan will describe a) how and when program inputs and activities will be documented
(process evaluation), and b) how and when program outcomes will be measured (summative evaluation).
Note: details regarding individuals responsible for data collection activities should be included in this
section, as opposed to in the Staffing Plan (below).
The evaluation plan should follow this outline:
1. Evaluation Questions overarching process and summative questions (i.e., was the program implemented
as planned and did it achieve its objectives?)
2. Design the design of your evaluation study should be described to conveys the following information: a) at
what time points data will be collected (pre-posttest or multiple time points), b) whether data will be collected
from the same individuals (repeated follow-up) or not (cross-sectional), and c) whether the study will follow
one intervention group (one-group) or also include a comparison group (quasi-experimental).
a. Sampling how many participants will complete the evaluation, and how will they be identified
(randomly, systematically, all participants, etc.);
b. Instruments/Tests tools to collect data survey, interview/focus group protocol, process data
collection form, blood tests, etc.;
c. Measures process/outcome data you will collect by using the instruments/tests and how it will be
measured sums (process), self-reported survey items (1 question), indicators (blood pressure, A1c
levels, BMI), and/or self-reported scale measures of theoretical constructs/outcomes (multi-question,
found in literature, i.e., a scale measuring depression);
d. Data Collection when, how, where, and by whom will data be collected (or will data collection be
self-administered by participants)? Will respondents be incentivized? Will you seek IRB approval?;
e. Data Analysis by whom will data be analyzed and at what time points?
3. Dissemination of Results/Findings how will findings be shared, when, and with whom?
*The target population, data type/source, and sampling strategy may vary by component, depending on your
program. Keep in mind that each major program component should be evaluated and considered in the
evaluation plan narrative.

I have attached all the referenced charts and documents that are to be included in the appendix.  All is completed except the evaluation planning . No references are needed in this paper, please use files uploaded to guide with writing

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