Assignment Instructions # This is the flower box and it should at the beginning of each assignment # You must add comments to your code# Program name : Student Name : Ymmas Azaba# Course : ENTD220# Instructor : My instructor# Date […]
Archive for the ‘Websites, web programming’ Category
Real-time action in C# .NET

A simple real-time auction where users can bid on an offered product(no database link needed, just mock data). 20 users can participate at the same time in the auction(20 clients, its enough if i can run it in localhost). They can only offer within a given time(example > auction continues for 1 hour, and every […]
Web Application Assignment

the “TWAassignment_Autumn2020.pdf” file is assignment sheet. this may require special credentials to a web server to run PHP files ( its just a website that you upload the work into and run the html etc.., labeled in the assignment paper as TWA server), i can provide this once the offer is accepted. skills needed are […]
Technologies for Web Applications

Hello, This work is multiple weekly workshops we do for the subject Technologies for Web Applications. This involves HTML, PHP and CSS. the task is in the folders is a PDF files. there are three of these one in each folder. Thank you
Track COVID-19 in New Jersey

I am assigning you a project to track COVID-19 in the state of NJ according to the following initial criteria: (Please see the following link to give you an idea: application must be written in C++ as a Web based application!There has to an integration with NJ Map.The application must take into consideration all […]
bootleg space invader assignment

Make a bare-bones space-invader game using Javascript and HTML-5. Use the sprites attached, add some fitting sound effects. Be thorough with code documentation, state what the purpose is for each class/section in the code. If possible, write all the code into a single HTML-5 file. Make as few additions as possible. When I say bare-bones, […]
Javascript slot machine

When the button ‘Run’ is clicked the images from the 3 slots have to change cycle really fast and stop only when the ‘Stop; button is pressed.Field ‘Score’ has to go up 200 points if two slots are the same and 300 points if all the slots are the same.Field ‘Score historiek’ has to have […]

Using Node.js, write a simple online store with whatever it is that youre interested in. The main page should display a list of products on offer with an option of adding each product to the shopping cart. From the main page the user can also decide to checkout and is then transferred to the checkout […]

Using Node.js, write a simple online store with whatever it is that youre interested in. The main page should display a list of products on offer with an option of adding each product to the shopping cart. From the main page the user can also decide to checkout and is then transferred to the checkout […]
HTML/CSS Website

I have attached the components of my final project website that I have completed thus far. I have also attached a Requirements checklist. The Website needs have each element outlined from Requirements checklist on the site and the Requirements checklist needs to be filled out. If there is an element missing from y website that […]