For this Learning Unit: The importance of nature (genetics and biological factors) versus nurture (environment) has been a controversial issue among developmental theorists. Explain how the concept of epigenetics addresses this debate. Incorporate in your response ideas of shared and nonshared environment and goodness of fit to show why one child in a family may […]
Archive for the ‘Undergraduate’ Category
Concept Paper

This is the final Section of this paper. Attached is the concept paper template that needs to be completed. It already has the sections that you have completed so far, so only the sections that are highlighted in yellow need to be completed on this paper. Please keep the same formatting than the template has […]
Downside to an Injury

Because it is often a “fine line” our clients, athletes, or selves may be walking, how can you utilize these benefits with out getting into overtraining, burnout, staleness, or disordered eating? Why and when might something “good” turn into something “bad”? What are your thoughts on the topic? Please use at least two outside references […]
M4 D: Dirt Bikes Case Study – E-Commerce Portal

Follow the attached instructions, being sure to answer items 1 through 4. Refer to chapters 9 and 10 from our textbook Laudon, Kenneth C., and Jane P. Laudon. Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm. Pearson, 2021 for context. I have also attached the Dirt Bikes case study for your reference.

Analyze the effectiveness of Postbellum policies by explaining if Reconstruction succeeded or failed in the areas of Economics including the rebuilding of the southern economy and improving the economic status of freedman, and Politics including the unification the North and South, restoring southern loyalty to the Union, and establishing political rights for African Americans. Make […]
The perils of bad strategy

Participation in this discussion is mandatory. Everyone must participate at least once by the deadline. There are sever penalties for not doing so. Your task is simple. Read this article about bad strategy carefully. Summarize it in 250 words or more. That is it. If you wish to respond to a classmate’s post, you can […]
educational program on risk management part two slides

Educational Program on Risk Management Part Two – Slide Presentation The purpose of this assignment is to create an educational risk management presentation. Building upon the outline for an educational session you created in the Educational Program on Risk Management Part One: Outline of Topic 2 assignment, develop a 12-15 slide PowerPoint presentation that expands […]
Essay Business Case Study Strategy Utilizing Strategy Tools

Hi friend, I am back! Please find an introduction and case study attached below! Please give me a good price? You took care of my eHarmoney paper; however, this one is a bit different; it is a case study, not a memo to the CEO!
Impact of global warming on …

The general guidelines for the paper are as follows: select a topic that interests you this can be based on your location, your activities, or your lifestyle and write a research paper indicating the impact of climate change on your particular subject of interest. APA format (no abstract required) typed and double spaced with 1″ […]
Initial Post

For this discussion forum/journal, let’s start by making a list of what makes a good story. Consider the following question. Briefly explain your list in the forum. Your response should be at least 250 words. When you pick up a book, what do you expect? What do you gravitate to? Is it characters? Plot? Theme? […]