You must use a different cognitive level of Blooms Taxonomy for each question. Note that there are 4 questions and 6 levels which give you options. And one of your choice. Total of 5 questions a. The levels from which you are to pick are: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation. (See Appendix D of […]
Archive for the ‘Not applicable’ Category
Positionally paper

Using our course materials and discussions to date, as well as the sample narrative posted on Canvas as an example, this paper asks you to theorize from your lived experience by reflecting critically upon your positionality and analyze it through an intersectional feminist lens. Your paper must be a minimum of 4 full pages double-spaced […]
Childhood obesity prevention program for Cochiti Pueblo Indians ages 13-18

Below are instructions for sections III. Implementation Plan III. Implementation Plan (3 pages maximum)K. Implementation Narrative (1 page)1. The implementation plan should begin with an organized narrative description of the major steps, frombeginning to end, that will take place to implement the program. This will be accompanied by a detailed Timelinein the Appendix, which is […]

I want to convince my apartment complex to allow me to be a complimentary trainer at the gym for a cut off my rent and i will offer free classes for the people leasing. i also want to make known the benefit of having a complimentary trainer in a brand new luxury apartment called Broadstone […]
Process Book reflection for Graphic Marks, Gray Scale, synectic game and New meaning College

– What did you learn from the project? – What were your greatest strengths? – What were your greatest weaknesses? – If you had to do it over, what would you do differently? – Were there any unexpected lessons?
Sequence Painting – Final

Final Sequence Painting- Create a sequence offive 8″x8″ paintings.Due DatesOver the course ofyour sequence thePlanningcompositions mustsketchesmake shifts in bothposted incolor (hue andforum byvalue) and form, have11:59 PMat least one panel thaton Juneimplies15thtransparency, andmust make aPeertransition betweenresponsesgeometric andto planningorganic forms. Thesketchesshifts in form shoulddue bybe dramatic andnoononlogical, such thatJune 16theach panel isnecessary for the 1st Roughsuccess […]
article review

There is one very brief article for you to read: Perfors, A. (2004). What’s in a Name? The effect of sound symbolism on perception of facial attractiveness. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 26. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.) Pranav’s comment: this is a very brief (1 page) […]
Character caracterization – A lost letter from Caragiale

-the context in which it appeared -something that makes the book special-the theme of the text-characters social status -characters moral status-a dominant trait of the character -tipes of comic (comic name, comic of the situation)-the conflict between characters -the meaning of the title and the meaning of the ending