PHYSIOLOGY Describe how electrons are transferred through the electron transport chain from the electron carriers: NADH + H+ and FADH2. How does oxidation of these electron carriers allow for the synthesis of ATP? Select any three proteins in the electron transport chain and describe what function would be absent if these proteins denatured due to […]
Archive for the ‘Not applicable’ Category
Any topic (writer’s choice)

PYSIOLOGY Neurotransmitters are proteins. They are secreted by neurons (cells) and are used to communicate with other neurons or effectors such as muscles and glands. Explain the complete process in which these proteins are synthesized, modified and secreted by neurons. Start your explanation at the nucleus of a neuron and end your explanation with the […]
Human Services Case Study review

Please read the following case study in attachment and answer the questions below with AT LEAST 3 MEANINGFUL SENTENCES each: 1. What role did Charles Mitchell’s personal relationships play in how the scandal unfolded? Please elaborate and consider the implications of these personal relationships. (At least 3 thorough sentences are required) 2. What would you […]
Fruit and Food waste Nutrition

– Think about how much fruit you eat most days. Do any changes need to be made? Although fruit juice counts as a fruit, the latest recommendations encourage consumption of whole fruits most of the time (fiber!) and suggest consuming a variety of different types of fruits to vary your nutrients. If you think that […]
The Legacy of Vietnam

After reading the chapter, the articles and watching the video, answer the following questions: Why was it important for America to be involved in Vietnam (or was it important)? Did the Vietnam War leave a legacy behind and, if so, what do you think that legacy is? For full credit: 1) Address the questions asked […]
Culture and TV

Since the 1950s, some Americans have been worried about the effect television might have on American culture. After viewing the presentations and reading the articles, answer the following questions: Do you believe American television/entertainment affects culture or does it simply reflect culture? Does television/entertainment change how people act or function? Should we look to television […]
reflective paper

1. Course Content: Describe the most important aspects of this course for you with respect to the content that was covered or activities in which you participated. Discuss the relevance and value or the practicum assignment with respect to your knowledgeacquisition.2. Application of Course Content: Describe how you applied what you learned in this course […]
Nuclear Fears

Why would the government put out Public Service Announcements that offer advice that wouldnt really help in an attack? Do you think these PSAs were helpful or not? For full credit, your journal must not simply sum up the reading or repeat points made there. Explain the emotional content of the piece, or discuss some […]

Read Chapter 2 of Seth Klarman s classic book: Margin of Safety, also watch the video about the scene of the movie the Wolf of Wall Street and answer the following questions: 1) Does Seth Klarman think that IPOs are a good investment? And why?2) What is a Closed-End fund and why those types of […]