references:1- 2- file:///C:/Users/SONY/AppData/Local/Temp/Usability_Evaluation_of_an_Educational_Website_in_.pdf 3- K. Orfanou, N. Tselios, and C. Katsanos, “Perceived usability evaluation of learning management systems: Empirical evaluation of the System Usability Scale,” The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, vol. 16, 2015. 4- M. Alshammari, R. Anane, and R. J. Hendley, “Design and Usability Evaluation of Adaptive e-learning […]
Archive for the ‘IEEE’ Category
Any topic (writer’s choice)

WRITTEN 4.2This assignment is about writing an informal report recommending a company action based on a technical analysis. SCENARIO Youve received a promotion at DeepBlue Ocean Informatics. As part of Janvis development team, you helped resolve DOIs fish detection model. Janvi was promoted to head of operations and gave you responsibilities for special projects in […]
Distributed databases, NOSQL, and Big data

**Must be in IEEE FORMAT and NOT double spaced, please.** – Using the IEEE template (see link below), write a literature review paper that summarizes part 10 of our textbook: “Distributed databases, NOSQL, and Big data”– Your paper should have a minimum of 4 pages– The paper has to present at least the […]
Forensically Investigating IoT Related Crimes

Forensically Investigating IoT Related CrimesInstructions: Our research project is about how digital forensics science plays an important role in investigating and acquiring evidence that will help in resolving the cyber crimes which are related to Iot. The paper will have an introduction which will give a brief glance of what is digital forensics and what […]
Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery

Kindly follow the headings below: 1) Introduction: overview of Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery 2) Impact of Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery (Comparison of drug delivery with and without Nanotechnology) + Advantages and Disadvantages 3) Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery for CANCER treatment 4) Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery for two other diseases (Please specify) 5) Conclusion: Summary of […]
Forensically Investigating IoT Related Crimes

Forensically Investigating IoT Related CrimesInstructions: Our research project is about how digital forensics science plays an important role in investigating and acquiring evidence that will help in resolving the cyber crimes which are related to Iot. The paper will have an introduction which will give a brief glance of what is digital forensics and what […]
Fractional Differential Equations in Biomathematics

I need a research paper on “Fractional Differential Equations in Biomathematics” and the research paper has to be based on the research “A study of the fractional-order mathematical model of diabetes and its resulting complications”, which is attached to this submission. Also, I don’t mind if you use other sources as long as the main […]
Fractional Differential Equations in Biomathematics

I need a research paper on “Fractional Differential Equations in Biomathematics” and the research paper has to be based on the research “A study of the fractional-order mathematical model of diabetes and its resulting complications”, which is attached to this submission. Also, I don’t mind if you use other sources as long as the main […]
Using drones for food delivery services

I will need two parts of an assignment written. The topic should be about drones being used for food delivery services. The report should be discussing the science and technology behind this process. The first part is a literature review where the research has to be made about the topic. It shouldn’t be more than […]
speech enhancement

I am doing a dissertation on Speech Enhancement using LSTM Recurrent neural netowrks.A large portion of this is background writing on the characteristics of speech and speech enhancement. I will take care of the the artificial intelligence bit, I just want the speech processing and other background bits taken care of. below is a outline […]