Archive for the ‘blog’ Category

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Topic of “blog” can be on any 1 of the following ONLY: keto diet, how to bottlefeed/raise foster kittens, nintendo’s zelda through out the years, or creating a gym routine for women (cardio and weight training). This assignment can be written on a word doc, so skip step #2. Just include links and pics in […]

Planetary Justice Blog

1,000 word piece on a current environmental issue. Journalistic in nature, the blog this written work aims to provide an opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained to a chosen environmental issue area, and to communicate this to a broader, non-expert audience. Make it look like an actually blog It is about planetary justice Include […]

Outbreaks of foodborne illnesses

Visit the CDC’s Foodborne Outbreaks page  (Links to an external site.)using this link.Select one of the Recent Outbreak Investigations related to food consumption.In your Blog, include the following: What organism caused the outbreak? What happened? What food was contaminated?How was the food contaminated?If this information is included in the report, share how the source of […]


Think about how the blog will establish your professional online presence.create an “about me” section for the blog and “welcome to my blog” section that describes the purpose of the blog and what the readers will get out of it. I am a third year pharmaceutical chemistry major and i want to become a dental […]

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