Archive for the ‘AGLC-4’ Category

Graduate Level International Investment Law

RESEARCH ESSAY QUESTIONS-CHOOSE ONE, 80% of total markReading Guide is attached 1. What structural reforms (if any) should be adopted by States to replace the current system ofad hoc arbitral tribunals for the resolution of investment disputes? For instance, should therebe a permanent multilateral investment court, an appellate tribunal, or both? Or do you thinkthat […]

Dispute Resolution in Asia Assignment with short answers -answer part A OR part B

Part AOzco is a Sydney-incorporated company that invests A$3m in 2018 to established a jointventure company in Bangkok (owned in equal shares with a private Thai company),ThaiJVco, to produce and distribute home medical testing kits primarily for Thai, Australianand Japanese end-users.A month after the WHO declares the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, the Thaigovernment orders […]

international law of the sea case note

This task requires you to select an historical or contemporary case, or several related cases, in the international law of the sea and to compose a comprehensive case note that provides an overview of the decision(s), the reasons of the court/tribunal(s) and any dissenting and separate opinions. Your note should explain the significance of the […]

International Investment Law

RESEARCH ESSAY QUESTIONS-CHOOSE ONEReading Guide is attached 1. What structural reforms (if any) should be adopted by States to replace the current system of ad hoc arbitral tribunals for the resolution of investment disputes? For instance, should there be a permanent multilateral investment court, an appellate tribunal, or both? Or do you think that the […]

International Law Exam Essay On 23/11/20 9am Sydney time

VERY TIME SENSITIVEThe question will only be released by 6 am, then you have 2 hours to write.Open book exam. Because of the time urgency, I will pay extra money. HOWEVER, you DO DONT need to write all pages, just do you best.

Human Rights and the Global Economy

Adopting a human rights perspective consider the following quote from renowned philosopher and polymath, Bertrand Russell:If all men [sic] were well off, if poverty and disease were reduced to their lowest possible point, there would still remain much to be done to produce a valuable society, and even in the existing world, the goods of […]

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