Review the Section IV, “Framework Essay,” and Reading 58 in the course text. Review the reading: Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream.” Consider whether you think that progress has been made toward realizing Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream, specifically social change as represented by greater racial and ethnic equality. Review the following concepts […]
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Identify the digital signature schemes and MAC schemes that are supported by CrypTool. For each scheme, determine the key sizes supported by CrypTool and which key sizes are recommended by NIST.

Part 1.1 a. Identify the digital signature schemes and MAC schemes that are supported by CrypTool. For each scheme, determine the key sizes supported by CrypTool and which key sizes are recommended by NIST. b. Encrypt text using two digital signature schemes, measure the execution time for key generation (if applicable), signature generation, and signature […]
An explanation of the benefits of cross training staff members (e.g., at iFly Airways and iDrive Cars).

Recruiting Strategies You are an employee of iFly Airways, a small regional feeder line for a national carrier. Your CEO has just stated iFly Airways is merging with iDrive Cars, which is in competition with Uber and Lyft, to provide a complete transportation package. You have been asked to develop a two to three-minute elevator […]
Ice-Breaker Question-Let’s Get To Know Each Other!

If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would you want to play you? Please tell us your name, your class standing, and where you are from first. Please make sure to reply to this message to participate. Thank you!
Business Ethics

Read Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice? and complete the questions at the end of the case study.

WK 1 TOPIC 1 DQ 2 TAKE INFORMATION FROM MY LOCAL ORGANIZATION PATHWAYS Reflection Part II: Community Connection In 150-200 words, name an organization in your community that treats a mental health disorder and two evidence-based practices (EBPs) they utilize for this particular mental health disorder. Include the name, location, […]
Business Ethics

Explain the impact of private equity firm acquisition of manufacturing and retail firms. in 800 Words
World Music Paper

Create a 10-song world music playlist. Each song you choose should represent a different country and music style. Include at least 3 traditional songs Include 2 weblinks. Streaming link to each song (youtube, SoundCloud, band/artist website) Purchase link (download or physical) to each song (iTunes, Amazon, etc.) Do not use any songs/tracks used in class. Template: Song […]
Read Deceitful Spammer or Marketing Genius?

Read Deceitful Spammer or Marketing Genius? and complete the questions at the end of the case study. in 2 pages atleast
Business Ethics

Pick one of the following terms for your research: Balanced scorecard, ethical leadership, emotional intelligence, sustainability, or authentic leadership. in 600 words atleast.