* Reflect on several things that strike you in the chapter. You may want to include an insight or an observation on the part of the author that you find interesting, thought-provoking, challenging, resonating, convicting, or even annoying and distressing. You may comment on things with which you agree or disagree.* Your reflections need not […]
Archive for the ‘Religion / Theology’ Category
Communication Barrier

Teams often experience barriers to communication. Critical thinking skills can be utilized to overcome these barriers. When the team evaluates problems relating to communication from a critical viewpoint, the team experiences growth and cohesiveness. Create a list of 10 barriers that affect teams. In the list, make sure you give significant thought to why there […]
islamic art and architecture

Answer the questions 1-3 with the readings that I provide to answer the final question number 5. 1) at least two different periods that we have studied so far;2) specific articles we have read that are relevant to the question; 3) and specific works of art that respond to the questions.5) In Islamic art and […]

1) Based on the attached notes, what is the most interesting aspect of Judaism that you have learned. 2) Why do you think the kosher laws are so important to the orthodox tradition of Judaism? And what would be the reason why the Reformed Tradition would not be so scrupulous about these laws? 3) In […]
islamic art and architecture

Using the materials that I provide, write a 1-page (300 word) and also citations at the end. answering this questionWhile there may be certain unique qualities to Islamic art and architecture, it is also true that no culture is an island unto itself. What did the Islamic World borrow from pre-Islamic or contemporaneous non-Islamic visual […]
islamic art and architecture

Using the readings I provide, answer this essay question.When establishing a new political regime, rulers will often move the capital or even create an entirely new one. In doing so, they must design the capital for their political needs. What are some examples of newly established capitals or royal cities? Why were they created, how […]
The Paradox of Religions

1. Review the material posted under Unit 1 (Google Classroom).2. Read John Bowker’s article “The Paradox of Religions”. 3. Answer the following questions: – Bowker says “religions are such bad news only because they are such good news”. He calls this “The Paradox of Religions”. According to Bowker, what creates this paradox? (Your arguments and […]
The Paradox of Religion

1. Review the material posted under Unit 1 (Google Classroom).2. Read John Bowker’s article “The Paradox of Religions”. 3. Answer the following questions: – Bowker says “religions are such bad news only because they are such good news”. He calls this “The Paradox of Religions”. According to Bowker, what creates this paradox? (Your arguments and […]
Forum 3

A scandal is uncovered in your ministry. A high-profile leader has been embezzling money from the ministry and using it for sinful and criminal purposes. He initially denied any wrongdoing, however, when faced with the evidence he admitted his guilt. Because you are the ministrys key leader, your phone wont stop ringing and your inbox […]

+ Find an online article/story with a religious angle.+ Explain what the primary religious issue is.+ Cite previous stories/articles that are related to the original one (see ifthere are links to previous or related stories)+ Does this have to do with :-An individual or small number of people?-A larger number of people (i.e. a congregation)?-A […]