1) What aspect of Islam do you think serves to enhance a person’s relationship with the divine? 2) In your estimation, what is the value of fasting and do you think that your understanding of the divine would benefit from a ritual fast on a regular basis? 3) Do you think the sacredness of life […]
Archive for the ‘Religion / Theology’ Category

Early Christian Text Commentary Text A And B Text A: 1. How does Ignatius of Antioch understand the place of the Bishop in a Christian congregation? 2. What information does primary text A gives us for the Church in the first century? Text B: 1. How did Christian Faith form the life of Christians in […]
Jesus’ View of Women Exercise

During Jesus three-year ministry before His death, the Bible records a number of instances where He interacted with women of all social backgrounds. Although His twelve closest disciples were men, women were also clearly active and involved in ministry to and for the Lord. Reference Book: Feminine Threads by Diana Lynn Severance Using available Bible […]
In the entire Gospel according to Mark, who acknowledges the identity of Jesus (as Son of God) and who does not? What is the significance of this?

post a minimum of 150-words response to question 1. In the entire Gospel according to Mark, who acknowledges the identity of Jesus(as Son of God) and who does not? What is the significance of this? Grading Rubric for ALL Discussions Accurate use of English including careful documentation (including ability to paraphrase and use quotations). Accurate […]

** All CLASS READINGS ARE IN FILE****NOTE: This exam is not cooperative. You may not talk with each other or work together. You may reach out to me at any point for support or with questions. It is open book and open notes as explained below but is meant to be done individually.** This final […]
Discussion Thread: Evangelism and the Gospel

Discussion Thread: Evangelism and the Gospel In McRaney chapter 3, the author outlines content essentials to understanding the gospel message. He also outlines what the message is NOT, and what belief is NOT in a world that is constantly trying to water down and replace the gospel through pursuits like social justice and moral deism […]
Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose just one of the themes from the list below. Note developments of that theme in the Old Testament to the New Testament (N.T.), and show how N.T. writers reinterpreted it. Discuss similarities, differences, and changes to the meaning. You must provide a separate outline to your paper. Use only the following resource that’s available […]
Women in Home Bible Studies Paper

At its foundation, the ministry is a one-on-one interaction with people. Priscilla and Aquila were a good example of a couple working together to share the gospel with others. Even in cultures and situations where Christianity is repressed or suppressed, men and women can still have an effective ministry in their home. Here is an […]

Discuss and critique the Christology of the 20th century theologian who has been discussed in class. Theologian of experience: Edward Schillebeeckx, O.P. (1914- 2009); one of the most important and influential Roman […]
western religous

This assignment will be two pages in length and double-spaced. Students will be asked to answer TWO QUESTIONS, with approximately one pages devoted to the first question and one pages for the last question. This writing assignment will make up 15% of the total grade. It is to be submitted via Canvas on the day […]