Archive for the ‘Religion / Theology’ Category

Sister’s in the Struggle

Final Project Guidelines for Ethics and Politics: The Making of Race, Class & Violence in America    Students are required to submit a 5-page double-spaced book review on Sisters in the Struggle, by Bettye Collier-Thomas     Additionally, create and record a 15- minute PowerPoint presentation designed to be shared with an audience that does not have […]


Using your knowledge of the various approaches to morals, ethics, and justice (Divine Command theory, libertarianism, utilitarianism, the fairness principle, etc.), consider the motivations of religious groups who favor immigration reform and more humane treatment of immigrants/migrants. What are the moral rationalizations they use to support their cause? What are the ethical implications of their […]


The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate in writing your engagement with the book, This Strange and Sacred Scripture. No more than half of the reflection should be summary of the book. The remainder of the paper is to be reflection on the book in terms of strengths and weaknesses, the importance of the […]

Islamic Studies

Please do all three questions. Each essay question should require between two and three single-spaced pages (i.e., between ~1000 and ~1500 words). When finished, please cut and paste your exam into the text entry box in Canvas, even if that means you lose some formatting. Please do not attach copies in Word or other similar […]


Each question answered in 1000 words (3000 total). 1. Please describe Islamic purity law (ahrah). What are the main forms of impurity, and how does one get rid of those different forms of impurity? (Please describe the purification rituals in detail.) How does a concern for ritual purity impact one’s ability to perform one’s religious […]


two part final essay. any style answer to one of two questions (4-5 pages) 1. Give a detailed explanation of the antichrists in the Letters of John and their beliefs interms of Christology.2. How has the Millennium been interpreted throughout time? personal reflection (4-5 pages) Discuss and provide a personal reflection on two topics from […]

Book Report

I need a Book report final project.I already have the book and the topic. I also already have comments from the teacher about my proposal for this work. You can find this book here: I attached the class readings, and in the proposal paper are others sources. you can find everything necessary for this […]

Theology Essay

Remember academic form and style apply. This is more than just an opinion paper. This essay explores the major themes of theology: God, creation, Jesus, scripture/revelation, sin, and salvation, mission. Include your understanding of a biblical worldview and how this differs from another worldview studied during this course. If you need a guideline, you should […]

Eastern Religions/Philosophies

What do you think of some of the major Eastern Religions/Philosophies (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, etc.,) ? What has surprised you? Which makes the most sense to you or do you think that they are so foreign to you that they don’t make any sense? Are there other thoughts that have been stirred up […]

My Philosophy of Christian Education

Philosophy of Christian Education Final Term paper. After reading and responding in writing to the work of Freire, Shors subsequent commentary on Freire, Parker Palmer, hooks, and the contributors to Educating for Redemptive Community, and discussion of these books, learners will write their personal philosophy of Christian education. The final paper must be a concise […]

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